The report compiles the scientific records of the different major tuna stocks done by each of the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) into one document, serving as a one-stop resource for comprehensive tuna stock information.
The Status of the Stocks Report uses a colour rating system to indicate varying degrees of stock heath and ecosystem impact.
Since the last version released earlier this year, notable updates were made in the following sections:
- Eastern Pacific bigeye tuna had a positive biomass rating change from orange to green.
- Atlantic Ocean bigeye tuna had a negative biomass rating change from green to orange, and a fishing mortality rating change from yellow to orange.
- Per the guidance of the ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee, the gear rating color for “purse seine on tuna-dolphin associations” changed from green to yellow because the last dolphin surveys in the Eastern Pacific Ocean took place in 2006. The status of these populations therefore becomes more uncertain in the absence of updated surveys.
Despite improvements in multiple fisheries, there is continued evidence that several stocks –notably Pacific bluefin tuna, Atlantic Ocean bigeye and Western and Central Pacific bigeye continue to be overexploited.
ISSF uses the ratings in this report to prioritize its advocacy efforts with the global tuna Regional Fishery Management Organizations (RFMOs), which are charged with managing these stocks.