The Group had operating income for the quarter of NOK 3,624 million (NOK 2,732 million in Q4 2012).
EBITDA in Q4 was NOK 593 million (NOK 204 million in Q4 2012).
The increase in turnover and EBITDA is mainly attributable to the Atlantic salmon and trout segment. Considerably higher prices were achieved for Atlantic salmon and trout in Q4 2013, compared with the same quarter in 2012. This is also reflected in the segment’s excellent profit from operations.
An increase in turnover was also reported for the pelagic fisheries segment in Q4 2013 in comparison to the same quarter of 2012.
EBIT before value adjustment for biomass was NOK 358 million in Q4 (NOK 78 million in Q4 2012). EBIT after value adjustment for biomass came to NOK 1,141 million in Q4 (NOK 421 million in Q4 2012).