To evaluate the efficacy of prophylactic measures against Piscirickettsiosis, experimental infection trials are indispensable. VESO Vikan offers experimental i.p. and cohabitation challenge models in fresh water and sea water.
Pre-smolts to be included in an i.p. or cohabitant challenge study are photoperiod-manipulated to smoltify before adaption to sea water. Fish will be acclimatised to 15°C before challenge. If the fish are included in a vaccination trial, vaccination will be performed during the smoltification period.
The test fish are challenged after transfer to sea water, either by i.p. injection of bacteria or by addition of i.p. injected shedders to the tank containing the test fish. After challenge the fish are kept under close observation and mortalities registered.

For further information, please contact Marie Løvoll at marie.lovoll@veso.no