The company successfully underwent a Friend of the Sea renewal audit for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and obtained a Friend of the Sea second certification for swordfish (Xiphias gladius).
Products from the Sri Lankan deep set short line vessels operating in the Indian Ocean (FAO area 57) can now carry the Friend of the Sea sustainability seal of approval.
Yellowfin tuna and swordfish are considered to be not overexploited in the Indian Ocean, according to the latest stock assessments.
Fleets, operating from 300-400 Km away from sea shore, affect no protected areas and the fishing method is selective and not impacting the seabed. The company is also approved Dolphin-Safe by the Earth Island Institute.
Global Sea Foods has a traceability system in place and it can demonstrate the products originate only from the Friend of the Sea approved fleets. Both GPS and radio transmission are available onboard. The fishery operates in full compliance with the national legislation.
“We care about the health of the marine habitat and that is why we rely on Friend of the Sea to prove the sustainable origin of our products,” remarked Mr Prabhash Subasinghe, Managing Director of Global Sea Foods.
“Friend of the Sea eco-label is a great confirmation of the validity of our engagement”.