The agreement aims to strengthen the exchange of information between the two countries in terms of landings, transhipments or violations and, moreover, strengthen cooperation in inspection.
This MOU will enhance the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. Also discussed technical issues related to the Commission of North East Atlantic Fisheries, as the electronic transmission of information and the monitoring of conservation measures currently in force.
During the meeting which preceded the signing, the delegations of both countries addressed other issues of interest in the fishery waters of Svalbard, the evolution of the negotiations with coastal States for the share of mackerel and cooperation international fisheries matters with third countries.
The talks aim to facilitate access by Spanish vessels to waters governed by the Treaty of Paris of 1920 and the continuation of Spanish research surveys to determine the status of the Greenland halibut black.
Spanish Minister Signs Fisheries Control Agreement with Norway
SPAIN - The Secretary General of Fisheries, Carlos Dominguez, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Norwegian fisheries authorities in connection with monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries.
by Lucy Towers