The supplemental final rule published in the Federal Register on July 18, 2012, and is effective on August 17, 2012.
Currently, the commercial quota for greater amberjack is 1,169,931 pounds gutted weight. On January 18, 2012, NOAA Fisheries approved the Comprehensive Annual Catch Limit Amendment specifying a commercial quota of 769,388 pounds gutted weight. However, this commercial quota for greater amberjack was inadvertently not included in the proposed or final rules for the Comprehensive Annual Catch Limit Amendment.
Therefore, the supplemental final rule specifies the revised commercial quota for greater amberjack of 769,388 pounds gutted weight, as described in the Comprehensive Annual Catch Limit Amendment.
South Atlantic Greater Amberjack Quota Revised
US - NOAA Fisheries Service has revised the commercial quota for greater amberjack in the South Atlantic Region, as specified in the Comprehensive Annual Catch Limit Amendment (77 FR 15916).
by Lucy Towers