Aquaculture for all

Sernapesca Highlights Prospects For Aquaculture

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CHILE - The national director of Sernapesca, Juan Luis Ansoleaga, said there is a favourable outlook for aquaculture development in northern Chile.

On a round of tours promoting the strengthening of the fisheries sector, Mr Ansoleaga, accompanied by the National Deputy Director of Sernapesca, Ana Maria Urrutia and the Chief of Staff, July Ruedi, visited the regions of Antofagasta and Atacama for four days.

Here, the agenda included, among other activities, working meetings with staff from different Sernapesca offices, various local authorities and fishing organisations, including the Federation of divers, fishermen and seaweed (FEBUPAL), the Federation of Unions of Fishworkers (FEPESCA) and the Union Caldera Crew.

Mr Ansoleaga also had the opportunity to meet the growing project for the fish, dorado (dolphinfish), that is in development at the University of Antofagasta, an experience, which in his opinion, "is a clear sign of the increasing importance for aquaculture in Northern Chile."

"This fish has the advantage of being a native fish and therefore is well suited to the climatic conditions in the north. Today its price is very good, hence the importance of opening markets to force other countries beyond the US to import the fish," he said.

The national director of Sernapesca signed an agreement between the Development Fund for Artisanal Fisheries and the Regional Government of Antofagasta.

The document signed committed a contribution of 1,300 million pesos to encourage the incorporation of value added products for fishermen from the sea, as well as diversify the activity of the sector.

Other communication issues that were raised was the problem of limited cell phone coverage.

Mr Ansoleaga pledged to overcome this situation.

Also reported, in regards to improving communications between the national leadership and the regional directorates of the institution and community officials, appropriate steps are being made to provide video-conferencing systems.

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