The Institute of Aquaculture is the leading international centre in
its field and is the largest of its kind in the world. The Institute
developed the Omega Blood Count test which can test OMEGA 3 levels
with a simple pinprick, as opposed to a blood sample.
Mr Smith said: Scots can really benefit from this research as we are able to test
the amount of OMEGA 3 we have in our diet much more easily as the
method is now faster, cheaper and less invasive.
The health benefits of OMEGA 3 are proven to counteract a number of
ailments which blight Scottish society, such as heart disease and
other disorders such as ADHD.
"My own test came in at 30 per cent which while not bad for Scotland, is still
far below where it should be nearer 50 per cent. I like to think of myself
as a health conscious person however the results show I could
certainly benefit from more OMEGA 3 in my diet.
Our nations health is continuing to improve but, in certain areas,
we do still fall short of where a progressive European nation should
be. We must do all we can to continue to improve and, if that involves
eating more fish, then I think we can all bite that bullet. Im sure
our fishing industry would be just as happy as our GPs.
"I was delighted to be invited to Stirling University's Institute for
Aquaculture to see for myself the first-class work that takes place
here. This ground-breaking centre has helped put Scotland on the map
for excellence in science and research."
Scottish Diet to Benefit from Ground-Breaking Omega 3 Testing
SCOTLAND, UK - SNP MEP Alyn Smith has called for greater awareness ofthe benefits of OMEGA 3 after receiving his own test results atStirling University's world-leading Institute for Aquaculture.
by Lucy Towers