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Norway and Japan Discuss Seafood Politics

Sustainability Economics Politics +2 more

NORWAY and JAPAN - Norwegien State Secretary Kristine Gramstad discussed the politics of seafood with the Japenese Senior Vice Minister Tsukasa Iwamoto during her visit to Japan.

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Talks confirmed the good cooperation between Norway and Japan in the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and other international organisations. It was agreed to strengthen cooperation in fisheries, which are important for both countries in order to promote increased consumption of seafood, especially among children and adolescents.

"Japan and Norway are both important seafood nations with similar views on the sustainable use of seafood resources in the sea," said Ms Gramstad.

Ms Gramsta visited some of the areas in Japan that were hardest hit by the tsunami in March 2011. In these areas the reconstruction of the fisheries sector essential.

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