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NI Fish Mortalities Blamed on Pollution

Trout Sustainability +3 more

NORTHERN IRELAND, UK - The recent death of salmona nd trout in a river in County Down has been blamed on pollution.

Irish Times reports that more than 200 fish died after a suspected river pollution in Country Down.

It was revealed on 21 September by a member of the public that salmon and trout were killed on the Shimna River below Fofanny Dam in the Mourne Mountains, a Department of the Environment spokesman said.

The spokesman said: "Water quality inspectors from the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) visited the site and confirmed that there had been a fish kill and carried out an investigation in order to identify the source. A potential source was identified, however there was no discharge at the time the NIEA Inspectors were on site and the investigation continues.

"NIEA informed officers of the Department for Culture Arts and Leisure (DCAL) Inland Fisheries who also travelled to the area to assess the impact on the fish population in the river.

"It is confirmed that a major fish kill has occurred with approximately 150 trout and 55 salmon mortalities of various ages."

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