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New Talks To End Mackerel Dispute

Sustainability Politics +2 more

UK - The first phase of a new round of talks to try and break the deadlock over mackerel catching opportunities in the north-east Atlantic will begin in London 19 October.

These talks represent a new opportunity for the EU and Norway to try and broker an international coastal states management agreement for mackerel with Iceland and the Faroes, which Scotlands mackerel fishermen maintain is essential to ensure the long-term sustainability of the fishery.

Ian Gatt, chief executive of the Scottish Pelagic Fishermens Association, said: The mackerel stock in the north-east Atlantic is an incredibly precious resource that requires careful and integrated management and it is more important than ever that an acceptable deal is reached to ensure the future sustainability of the fishery.

It looks likely that this first phase of negotiations will go to a second round of talks at a later date.

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