The protocol provides the EU with fishing opportunities for tuna and other highly migratory species, based on a reference tonnage of 6.500 tons. In return, the EU will pay Ivory Coast an annual compensation of 680.000, out of which 257.500 is earmarked to support the fisheries policy of Ivory Coast. European vessel owners will pay increased advance payments to fish in Ivory Coast waters.
This protocol will reinforce cooperation between the two parties, especially in their fight against IUU fishing. Sectoral support has been significantly increased to take into account the situation of the fishing administration in Ivory Coast after the civil war and help it to take on its international obligations in term of port sate control.
Control of fishing activities will be improved thanks to the use of vessel monitoring system (VMS) and electronic logbooks. Both parties committed to fully respect all recommendations made by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The protocol also includes a clause on the respect of human rights.
The Protocol will be valid for five years and will replace the current one, which expires on 30 June 2013. The Member States with an interest in this protocol are mainly France and Spain.
New Protocol Agreed Between EU and Ivory Coast
EU - The European Union and Ivory Coast have agreed on a new Protocol to implement the EU-Ivory Coast Fisheries Partnership Agreement.
by Lucy Towers