This new legislation opens the way for a hearing and the defining of applications for the regulating of the inscriptions that were excluded from the 2007 Law.
The new Royal Decree will establish a common procedure throughout the country for those applications for regulating which were filed and processed based on the Act of 2007.
In addition, it seeks to address those cases that were submitted on time and were not admitted for processing or were dismissed for being subject to previous regularisation.
The new rules will also resolve the cases for regularisation for those who applied before 31 December, 2007 but were not admissible due to being late, but showed their intent to make the adjustment.
The processing will be managed by the Autonomous Communities. It is estimated that the number of records that can be regularised under this Royal Decree exceeds the 1,600 vessels in the ports of the autonomous communities.
New Procedure for Fishing Vessel Regulation Approved
SPAIN - The Council of Ministers have approved a Royal Decree establishing the regulation of fishing vessels and an update of the census for the operational fleet, in the register of ships and shipping companies.
by Lucy Towers