The book is based on decades of research and outlines the equipment and procedures required to succeed with this new form of capture.
It provides good advice on topics including the most gentle capture methods for cod, how to keep the fish alive, design of fishing boats, transfer to sea cages and feed enhancement.
The handbook is written by scientists Kjell Midling at the food research institute Nofima in Troms and Bjrnar Isaksen at the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen.
Besides research-based knowledge, much of what we know about capture-based aquaculture is based on trial and error. When new vessels have expressed their interest in this fishery, inexperienced fishermen (and) have started without any form of training and unfortunately the same mistakes make been repeated far too often. The objective of this book is to raise the interest in this new form of fishing that provides the highest quality of cod in the world, say the two authors, Kjell Midling and Bjrnar Isaksen.
The new handbook is financed by the Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF).
It is available in PDF format and may be downloaded free of charge here (in Norwegian language only).
New Book for Anyone Planning Cod Capture-Based Aquaculture
NORWAY - A new handbook leads the way for everyone planning to start capture-based aquaculture of cod.
by Lucy Towers