The Official Journal of the Federation states that this standard is to establish the terms and conditions to govern the fishing of geoduck, to induce its sustainable use, in accordance with Article 2o., Section IV of the General Law Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture.
The draft Standard was approved at the 4th session of the National Advisory Committee on Standardization Agrifood and subjected to public consultation in accordance with the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization.
Geoduck fishing takes place off the coast of the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur and Sonora and is a resource of high commercial value with increasing demand in the international market.
It also represents a source of direct and indirect jobs in the region.
The entire catch is marketed and exported live in China, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States.
It is a selective fishery in which there is no bycatch of other species because fishing is conducted by visual selection and manual collection by the diver.