Nevertheless, the salmon producing company expects to sow 4.4 million Rainbow trout smolts in 2010, which represent a 35.2 per cent decrease compared to its last year’s figures, accprding to FishfarmingXpert.
Regarding harvests, Multiexport expects 14,000 tonnes of Atlantic salmon and 13,000 tonnes of Rainbow trout this year. In 2009, the company harvested 23,230 tonnes while in 2008 reached 57,504 tonnes.
In terms of average harvest weight, Multiexport projects 4.5 kg for Atlantic salmon and 2.65 kg for Rainbow trout.
Increased Expected Sowings in Multiexport
CHILE - Following improved production indicators and lower mortality rates due to implementation of a new production model, Multiexport forecasts a strong rise in its Atlantic salmon sowings for this year up to 9.5 million smolts, representing an 83.7 per cent increase compared to 2009.