At 154,164 tonnes, Scottish salmon production in 2010 was worth £539.6 million - over 30 per cent up on value of salmon produced in 2009, reflecting increases in both prices and production.
"Scotland is a global player in farmed salmon - the largest in the EU and third in the world alongside Norway and Chile. I'm pleased that the industry has been able to achieve steady growth in farmed salmon production once again this year, demonstrating that demand for quality Scottish Farmed Salmon remains very high," said Environment Minister Stewart Stevenson.
"The survey shows direct employment in the fish farming industry has increased by over 100 to some 1,500 people. With many more indirect jobs supported, this provides an importance contribution to the Scottish economy, particularly in rural communities in the West Highlands, Western and Northern Isles."
Farmed salmon is Scotland's single largest food export. The top five export markets for Scottish salmon are USA, France, Poland, Ireland and China.
Scott Landsburgh, Chief Executive of Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation (SSPO), said: “The third successive annual increase in production, a rise in direct employment by around seven per cent and the increase in value is great news for the many rural economies reliant on the sector and the Scottish economy as a whole.
“With market demand at home and abroad very high, responsibly farmed, superior salmon represents one of the biggest opportunities for sustainable economic growth in Scotland.”
Impressive Growth For Scottish Salmon
SCOTLAND, UK - Production of Scottish farmed salmon increased by 6.9 per cent in 2010, to the highest level in six years.