The organisers, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), are the key drivers in local agricultural development.

The objective of this conference is to foster strong links and encourage networking between local and international industry participants as well as their counterparts in research, academia, regulatory and policy-making agencies for the betterment of the industry.
The programme for ICAN 2010 includes a strong focus on recent advances in nutrition with the focus on “Sustainable Feeds - Maximizing Productivity and Profitability”.
In addition, other topics covered include feed substitution and production, natural alternatives to AGPs, enzymes supplementation, feed and food safety, novel feeds, feeding strategies to mitigate methane production and new feed processing technologies.

Being the leader in phytobiotic feed additives, Meriden Animal Health Ltd participated in this event with the view of sharing our expertise.
Dr Jin L Z (PhD), the Technical & Managing Director of Meriden (Guangzhou) Biotech Ltd, presented the paper “Practical use of Phytogenic Feed Additives in Monogastric Animal Nutrition”, which sparked much interest in the audience with the latest application of our flagship product, Orego-Stim.