There are reports of herring north of the Faroes, where Icelandic factory vessels are at work.
Faxi RE was due to dock at noon with 330 to 350 tonnes on board, and according to Hjalti Einarsson, who was skipper for this trip, they had to work for their fish this time.
"We were towing opposite Lundey NS and we took a few tows and searched in between,but what we are landing now is from three tows in the Hradsfli Deeps. The herring are clearly moving eastwards, although it should still be possible to get a decent trip inside the EEZ," he said, commenting that there is very little mackerel with the herring.
HB Grandi has little of its herring and mackerel quotas for the year left to catch. According to Ingimundur Ingimundarson, manager at the companys pelagic division, the herring catch has come to 14,000 tonnes so far, leaving 2000 tonnes to be caught. The 16,000 tonne mackerel catch leaves around 600 tonnes of the quota to be caught.
Herring Heading Out of Icelandic Waters
ICELAND - The Icelandic fleets herring fishery has slowed significantly over the last 48 hours and the indications are that the herring are now heading eastwards and out of Icelandic waters to its spawning grounds off Norway after a summer of feeding around Iceland.
by Lucy Towers