"Today fish consumption in Ukraine is a large percentage of imports. Therefore, the state faces a clear task to be undertaken for the development of the fishing industry. It is cheaper to produce freshwater fish in the domestic market at the expense of stocking inland waters," said Mykola Prysiazhniuk.
The Minister also stressed the need for augmentation of marine fish and explained that the state is working in this direction.
"We plan to pass a bill that will give the opportunity to settle the amount and form of fishing to avoid abuse. This will increase the production of marketable fish in Ukraine," said Mykola Prysiazhniuk.
The minister said that thanks to the state and its young skilled workers, Ukraine can lead the fishing industry to a new level.
Growing Freshwater Fish Production Driving Consumption
UKRAINE - Native freshwater fish consumption will increase due to the increase of production in inland waters. This underlines the governemnts goal of enhancing the sector, said Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Mykola Prysiazhniuk.
by Lucy Towers