The project wants to reduce and offset carbon dioxide emissions that derive from daily activities. Whatever we do, we consume energy, so we produce carbon dioxide. But we can reduce the environmental impact of our acting and compensate CO2 emissions by creating and protecting growing forests.
Friend of the Sea decided to set a good example. Our own mission is to conserve the marine habitat strongly promoting environmental sustainability, comments Paolo Bray Director of Friend of the Sea, so were happy to be part of such an initiative which fully reflects our philosophy; everybody can do something to improve the state of affairs, and thats the only way to guarantee a future to our children.
More than 800 companies in Italy chose to join Zero Impact project, and that made it possible to recover 20 million square meters of forest in Italy, Costa Rica and Madagascar.
To be aware of the consequences of our actions is the first step towards a sustainable way of life and thats always true no matter what you do or what you eat.
Joining this project will allow FOS to balance its yearly production of CO2, equal to 12.000 Kg, contributing to the creation and protection of a growing forest in Madagascar of around 4.500 m2.
Friend of the Sea is Now Zero Impact
ITALY - Friend of the Sea recently joined Zero Impact project, the first Italian project that implements the intentions of the Kyoto Protocol, promoted by the LifeGate association.
by Lucy Towers