The gathering will take place against the backdrop of “regionalisation” – a move away from centralised fisheries management, to a to a more devolved approach, where Member States work with regional stakeholders to decide upon the details.
Specifically, participants from Member States, RACs, research organisations and European Institutions will spend the day working together to thrash out the practicalities of:
- How fishermen and scientists can best work together, on land and at sea, to gather and share the information needed for this new type of management.
- How policy-makers can both support and make best use of this collaborative approach.
In order for regionalisation to be successful, it is well recognised that steps must be outlined for the organisation and application of the required knowledge-base. So industry, scientists and policy makers are working together to explore strategies for knowledge sharing and development, to forge progress for a successful regionalisation.
The result of the day will be a set of points of consensus about the next steps that need to be taken. These will be shared with all relevant parties.