Based on the farmgate price of P70 per kilo, the fish kill which affected 40 cages, damaged around P2.45 million worth of tilapia in the villages of Leviste and Balakilong in Laurel.
The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) however has yet to release its fish kill report.
The fish kill occurred at least a month after the lake lost at least 31 metric tons of tilapia in August affecting the village of Bañaga in Agoncillo town and the villages of Leviste and Buso-Buso in Laurel.
MAO Agricultural Technican Agnes Artista said operators were able to harvest their marketable stocks and bury the dead fish.
Mr Artista said that the water temperature in the lake in the past days was so hot. He also noted that some local operators were overfeeding and intensively stocking tilapia in a cages, which might have caused the fish kill.
Fish kill robs revenue for Taal Lake town
PHILIPPINES - Another fish kill struck Taal Lake destroying at least 35 metric tons of tilapia in two villages, reports the Municipal Agriculture Office (Mao).