The laboratory can now in addition to performing the usual clinical examinations, make the appropriate official analysis for specific Sernapesca programs related to major disease challenges in the production of salmonids.
The official programmes include ISAv, SRS (P. salmonis), Epidemiological Surveillance Programmes and Screening for broodstock (BKD-IPNv-ISAv) which will allow FVG to certify the health status of fish farming throughout the country.
Speaking from the Fish Vet Group laboratory in Puerto Montt, Commercial and Operations Manager, Javier Moya commented: “Obtaining ISO 17025 accreditation for our analyzes and veterinary samples guarantees the highest level of quality for our customers and Sernapesca. Our reports are analytically correct and reliable, giving customers a full understanding of their actual health status.”
Moya added: "Receiving this accreditation from Sernapesca is very encouraging, it helps us to reach our potential and ambition to provide the best holistic, expert-led health services supported by the latest diagnostic technology. We are a world-class laboratory in a strong position to make a difference to the health of the Chilean aquaculture industry. "
Fish Vet Group are currently working with several national companies and will be able to support an increasing number of production companies with their official health programs. Setting a new benchmark for sustainable aquaculture in Chile.