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Failure To Reach Mackerel Agreement

Economics +1 more

SCOTLAND, UK - The failure of Iceland and the Faroes to agree a deal on mackerel catching management arrangements for 2011 will have severe knock-on effects for both Scotlands pelagic and whitefish fleets, Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the Scottish Fishermens Federation has warned.

The failure to reach a deal with the Faroes means there will be no bilateral agreement between Scotland and the Faroes to fish for whitefish in Faroese waters and for quota transfers to take place, which would normally be the case.

Mr Armstrong said: “Scotland’s whitefish fishermen have been steadfast in their support of their colleagues fishing for mackerel and the failure to reach agreement today will have repercussions for the whitefish sector too.

“It could, for example, force Scottish boats that would normally spend part of their time fishing for whitefish in Faroese waters to divert their effort instead to grounds closer to home.

“All these repercussions are a result of the irresponsible behaviour off Iceland and the Faroes, which could result in severe harm to the lifeblood stock of the Scottish pelagic industry, as well reduce important fishing opportunities for a significant number of our whitefish boats.

“This is why it is more essential than ever that the Scottish and UK Governments, along with the EU, exert as much pressure as possible to ensure Iceland the Faroes see sense and reach a fair and proper agreement.”

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