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EC Cuts Fishing Quotas to Protect Baltic Sea Cod

Cod Sustainability Economics +4 more

EU - The European Commission's yearly proposal for the 2017 fishing opportunities has now been supplemented with figures for the Baltic Sea cod stocks.

Lucy Towers thumbnail

The scientific advice received earlier this year recommended severe reductions in fishing to help these stocks recover from their currently very low levels.

The quota now proposed for Western cod amounts to 1588 tons, down 88 per cent compared to 2016 levels.

The quota proposed for Eastern cod amounts to 24927 tons, 39 per cent less than in 2016.

These figures are based on scientific advice and are in line with the newly-adopted Baltic management plan.

The Commission has spoken with stakeholders in the countries most concerned by the expected quota reductions. These discussions highlighted concerns about income and jobs. Together with the Member States' administrations, the Commission has been exploring mitigation measures that could be put in place to address those concerns while allowing the cod stocks to recover.

The Commission has been inviting Member States to consider using EU funding for temporary financial support for the most affected fish producers, and some Member States are now planning to put such support measures in place.

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