The ruling is final and the manager of the company has also been fined 30 UTM.
The company said that in June 2011 it had been denounced by the audit institution after the detection of deficiencies in the management of mortalities at the fish farm "Baha Perales" located in the vicinity of the city of Puerto Natales.
The regional director of Sernapesca, Patricio Diaz, considered it "very important" and highlighted the importance and responsibility farms must have during an ISA outbreak.
Courts Punish Salmon Farm for Mishandling Salmon Mortalities
CHILE - The Court of Appeals of Punta Arenas has fined Acuimag SA Company 450 UTM (about $16 million) for mishandling mortalities at its salmon farm last year during the Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA) virus outbreak in the Magallanes Region.
by Lucy Towers