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CEFAS to Host UK Tilapia Project

Post-harvest Politics +1 more

UK - The Centre For Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) is hosting a Tilapia Workshop on 18th June 2009.

The event will be held at the Barnsdale Lodge Hotel, Rutland and will include the following topics: production of fry/fingerlings, disease issues in tilapia/re-circulation farming, use of medicines/vaccines, running re-circulation systems and re-circulation technologies, biosecurity, minimising costs and maximising production, marketing product, farm husbandry, alternative technologies.

Organiser, Nick Stinton told Fishupdate: “The day is to run with farmers very much in mind and there will be a range of talks covering subjects highlighted by the farmers. In addition there are to be a wide range of attendees from the aquaculture industry, Defra, MFA, etc and some delegates are travelling from France, Holland and Greece.

“Initially it was to be a small event but has grown with considerable interest with over 60 delegates signed to attend.

“There is a small charge of £40 to cover costs. Pharmaq, Skretting and the Marine Fisheries Agency have all contributed sponsorship to the day.”

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