"We are going to bring together Brazilian technology and Dutch resources to build a shrimp farm on the Island of Sao Vicente,” said fisheries engineer, Fabiano Lima.
Mr Lima said that the project was budgeted to cost 1.35 million euros, with 50 per cent (non-repayable) from the Private Sector Investment programme (PSI/EVD), a Dutch government fund that provides resources for projects in emerging economies.
The remaining 675,000 euros, according to Mr Lima, will be provided by Universo Pescados and Cape Verde’s Sucla, specialised in processing fish, the companies that set up the partnership.
“Construction of the shrimp farm will begin in January, 2010 and its is expected to be operational by May,” said the engineer, noting that 120 days later its would be possible to get the first catch.
Mr Lima also said that the farm would produce 80 tonnes of shrimp per year initially and that this amount would later rise to 140 tonnes per year.
Brazil Exports Technology for Shrimp Farming
BRAZIL - A Brazilian experience of shrimp farming is to be replicated in Cape Verde based on a partnership, an official from Brazilian fisheries sector company, Universo Pescados do Cear said earlier this week.