Aquaculture for all

Algeria Plans to Increase Aquaculture Productivity in 2017

Sustainability Economics +3 more

ALGERIA - The ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fishing plans to increase aquaculture production to 17,000 tonnes a year in 2017, by the development of the industry in irrigation basins, a ministry's official told APS.

To attain this goal, 2100 public and private projects are to be executed, out of which 70 per cent of them are relating to fish farming in irrigation basins, said the head of the Aquaculture Department at the ministry of Agriculture, Mustapha Oussaid.

According to Algeria Press Service, presently, aquaculture production does not exceed 4,000 tonnes a year.

The goal for 2017 was set on the basis of commitments made by provincial directors of fishing, action plans and investments.

Mentioning the benefits of the activity, Mr Oussaid stressed that studies and researches show that the water used in fish breeding and land irrigation is rich in natural organic materials, which highly contributes to improving agricultural produce.

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