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UK Minister Opens up Food, Lobster Exports to China

Crustaceans Economics Politics +1 more

UK & CHINA - From food and drink, to skills and technolgies, British businesses trying to break in to China are getting Government backing as Food and Farming Minister, Jim Paice, heads out to the country on a mission to open up trade, including frozen lobster.

As the world's biggest economy with the largest population, China offers huge opportunities for Britains farming, food and drink sector, which has a reputation for food quality and safety and for innovation and expertise in farming.

Food and Farming Minister Jim Paice said: Food and farming already plays a vital role in the UK economy but I believe there are still huge opportunities for growth in emerging markets like China.

We need to keep ahead of the game by developing strong trade relationships with the worlds second largest economy. Thats why Ive made this trade mission a priority.

China wants what Britain has to offer outstanding food and drink, high quality animals for breeding and farming skills and expertise that are second to none.

Chinas growing middle class is increasingly buying foreign food and drink seeing it as aspirational and recognising its high quality. Whether it is Scotch whisky or frozen lobster, artisan crisps or malt drinks, an increasing number of British favourites are becoming supermarket staples and delighting Chinese consumers. That is why Jim Paice will look to build relationships with key retailers and importers to smooth the path for other British producers looking to make their mark on China.

He will also promote British businesses offering high quality breeding pigs to China. Pork is the fashionable, meat of choice, for the Chinese and with a growing population with more money in their pockets, the demand for pork is booming. And while the trade in breeding pigs is worth millions to the UK economy each year, the skills and technologies we sell to support breeding programmes has the potential to be even more lucrative.

In Beijing, the Minister will meet key Chinese officials to develop trade relationships and seek out further export opportunities.

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