“The Marianvale Blue Murray Cod farm at Towrang aims to secure a regular supply of quality Murray Cod to the market place,” Ms Hodgkinson said.
“Murray Cod are not commercially harvested from the wild and so it is only through aquaculture production that seafood consumers can purchase this iconic fish.
“Murray Cod have a moist, white and delicate flavoured flesh and is recognised as one of the premium eating fish in Australia.
The state of the art recirculating aquaculture system technologies employed in the Marianvale Blue Murray Cod aquaculture facility allows optimum conditions to culture and handle this fish with very low water usage.
“The result is high quality sustainable seafood production,” Ms Hodgkinson said.
“In NSW 85 per cent of the seafood purchased is imported and aquaculture farms like the Marianvale Blue Murray Cod farm have the potential to take a greater share of the market and increase the sustainability of the NSW seafood industry.
“The NSW Liberals & Nationals Government is proud to support the development of aquaculture because we recognise the economic and social importance it delivers to the wellbeing of the regional and the wider community,” Member for Goulburn Pru Goward said.
The NSW Government’s Land Based Aquaculture Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy ensures that aquaculture developments such as this are developed according to strict environmental sustainability criteria.
Sustainable Cod Aquaculture Set Up in NSW
AUSTRALIA - The Minister for Primary Industries Katrina Hodgkinson has officially opened the largest aquaculture development of its kind in New South Wales.
by Lucy Towers