Aquaculture for all

Survey: Why Young People Don't Choose Fish

NORWAY - Seafood is healthy so why don't young adults living alone buy and eat fish? What needs to be done to encourage families with young children to eat more fish ? These are just some of the questions Nofima is aiming to address.

Nofima wants to know why young adults and families with children, don’t eat fish.

Seafood is healthy. Why then is more seafood not consumed when people establish families, children appear and everyday life really begins?

Scientists at Nofima (formerly Fiskeriforskning) want to find answers to these questions. However, to achieve this, the research institute needs public assitance.

To carry out this study, Nofima aims to contact young single adults and families with young children. But the organisation is not looking for 'fish lovers', instead, it wants to talk to those who prefer not to choose fish or perhaps do not even like fish at all.

Nofima's survey will ask:

  • Why more seafood not consumed when people establish families, children appear and everyday life really begins?
  • Why do young adults living alone eat so little fish?
  • What needs to be done so these households choose fish at the supermarket?
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