The factory employs 55 persons, is 12,000 square metres and has a processing capacity of 270 tonnes of salmon per shift

“I am impressed by Cermaq’s investments in this region, building the future for the salmon industry and creating employment opportunities,” said State Secretary Roy Angelvik in his speech at the opening ceremony.
According to Cermaq, the new facility is Norway’s most modern and efficient processing factory for salmon and the first processing factory to be constructed in accordance with the industry 4.0 standard – which enables full digitalization. It represents a new standard for the salmon industry and will create demand for higher competence workforce in the region.
"This factory is one of a series of investments that Cermaq has made the last years, contributing to the development of the industry and creating stable employment along the coast," says Knut Ellekjær, Managing Director of Cermaq Norway. "With the opening of this factory, we are developing and strengthening the company for further growth".
The factory has implemented full traceability of every fish, from entering the factory until it is processed and packed in boxes. The set up for the new factory is constructed for gentle handling of the fish to help improve quality and meet stricter customer demands.
Community engagement
Steigen municipality has played an instrumental role in establishing the factory at Storskjæret, through facilitating the property and establishing the real estate company Storskjæret AS, which owns the factory buildings.
In connection with the factory, a box factory has been established for direct production of packaging material. This contributes to reducing the transportation need, and provides a significant benefit for the environment. The box production is established in cooperation with Løvold Industri.
A Baader fillet line will be added in the factory in January, creating employment to additional six to ten people.
“Today is an exciting day for Baader as we celebrate the opening of the Steigen processing factory. In strong partnership with Cermaq, we have been able to set a new standard for the salmon industry. The factory will deliver high-quality salmon, animal welfare as well as maximum cost-efficiency to meet consumer needs," says Robert Focke, MD of Baader.