In addition, he said that the current systems for managing fisheries resources should be reviewed, to achieve a more rational, balanced, and respectful of the scientific assessment.
At the Seminar on the reform of the CFP, organised by the Institute of European Studies "Salvador de Madariaga, University of A Coruña, the Secretary General of the Sea defended the need for future progression in fisheries policy.
He said progress was needed to promote practices that respect the marine environment, especially in its most vulnerable areas.
Progress in reforming the CFP is essential, he said, to achieve responsible, sustainable, and environmentally friendly aquaculture producer.
It will also ensure consumers quality, safe and healthy products.
Mr Martin recalled that Spain has worked to give momentum to the foreign policy of the EU fisheries based on responsibility and sustainability, both in the community fishing agreements, and within regional fisheries organisations.
Finally, the Secretary General of the Sea indicated that for Spain, new issues such as sustainability and commitment to the environment are important and will have a greater presence in the future.
Spain Pushes For Further Progress On CFP Reform
SPAIN - The Secretary General of the Sea for the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Juan Carlos Martin Fragueiro, has said that reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)must ensure differentiated management for artisanal fisheries to take account most socio-economic impact in different coastal areas.