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SFF to Voice Concerns at Fisheries Council

SCOTLAND, UK - The Scottish Fishermens Federation will be pressing for a fair deal for Scotlands fishing industry at todays meeting of the Scottish Fisheries Council in Edinburgh.

The Council will hear scientific evidence on the current state of stocks and the prospects for catching opportunity for 2009. The evidence heard at the meeting will be used to set out the Scottish Government’s stall for crucial end-of-the-year negotiations for quota and fisheries management for 2009.

"There are many complex issues up for discussion, not least ensuring that our fishermen can increase their cod catching opportunities"
Bertie Armstrong, SFF chief executive

Bertie Armstrong, SFF chief executive, said: “There are many complex issues up for discussion, not least ensuring that our fishermen can increase their cod catching opportunities, whilst at the same time delivering the objectives of stock recovery.

“One area of particular concern is for stocks on the west coast where mixed scientific messages and gaps in stock knowledge should not be used to jeopardise a segment of the fleet that has been particularly hard hit in recent years,” he said.

Pelagic stocks are also a priority area for the Federation to ensure a satisfactory allocation is achieved for the fleet, although the scientific advice on the state of the stocks has still to be released.

Meanwhile, the Council meeting will also hear a report from the Fuel Task Force, and it is hoped that this will set the ball rolling on a variety of measures to combat sky-high costs.

Bertie Armstrong said: “Wholesale fuel prices may have dropped in recent weeks, although the fishing industry has still to see any benefit of this. But whatever happens, fuel prices will stay high for foreseeable future and it is vital that measures are put in place to help the fleet adjust to this new era.”

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