The six month closure is designed to reduce fishing pressure on pipi populations as part of the sustainable management of the NSW commercial pipi fishery," Executive Director of Fisheries NSW, Dr Geoff Allan, said.
"The seasonal closure complements revised management arrangements for commercial harvesters that were introduced earlier in the year to help secure an increase in the abundance of pipis along many parts of the coast."
New research, supported by funding from the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, is also underway to improve techniques for assessing the relative abundance and size structure of pipi populations.
"The expertise of commercial fishers, and support from recreational fishing and other volunteers, will be instrumental in contributing to this important research project," Dr Allan said.
"The closure is an important management tool that helps to ensure the continued sustainability of the pipi fishery and follows consultation with affected commercial fishers.
"The DPI will continue to work with key stakeholders on the development of longer-term fishery arrangements to ensure that pipi stocks continue to provide environmental benefit and support ongoing fishing activities."
Recreational fishers are permitted to collect a maximum of 50 pipis for immediate use for bait purposes only, not human consumption.
Seasonal Closure of Pipi Harvest
AUSTRALIA - The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has announced that a seasonal closure on the commercial harvest of pipis will apply across the State from 1 December 2012 until 1 June 2013.
by Lucy Towers