Seafish's existing guidance on potting rollers was published in 2001. As part of its commitment to supporting a safe and sustainable future for the industry, the organisation has decided that this guidance should be reviewed and, if necessary, updated.
The work will be undertaken for NFFO Services by Nathan de Rozarieux. Over the next couple of months, Nathan will be talking with fishermen, boat builders and manufacturers throughout the UK to discuss safety concerns and identify best practice. The results of this research are due to be published by Seafish in April.
Gary Hodgson, Chairman of NFFO's Shellfish Committee said: "It is important that we strive to minimise the risks associated with potting. This important piece of work will help to uncover those risks and share best practice which will help ultimately to make every fisherman's working environment safer."
If you use, design or fit potting rollers or haulers and have any experiences or views on their safe use, design and layout we want to hear from you. Please email Nathan at or contact Seafish on 01472 252 302.
Review of Seafish Guidance on Potting Rollers
UK - Seafish has commissioned NFFO Services Ltd to undertake a study on potting rollers and haulers to investigate possible improvements in design, layout and working practices.
by Lucy Towers