It says that the article - Salmon Virus Indicts Chile's Fishing Methods, by Alexei Barrionuevo - was inaccurate and says that clarification is required on a number of key points.
The Group says that some of the issues raised regarding the salmon anemia virus (ISA) and the erroneous reference made to the lack of sanitary controls as contributing factors, were incorrect. ISA has been been found in most countries that farm salmon and is controlled by strict government regulations. It also points out that Mr Barrionuevo's article lacks merit by referencing the use of hormones to make the fish grow faster.
"Hormones have never been used in the history of salmon farming in Chile. This malicious statement that hormones are used is false and serves to dissuade consumers from eating farmed Salmon, the safest of all fish according to the study requested by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) and published by the Institute of Medicine, says the Association.
The unfounded implication that farmed salmon must be to blame for the reduced catch and flabby texture of the locally caught Robalo is equally irresponsible.
Salmon of the Americans says it is important to note that the infrequent administration of approved antibiotics to the salmon is done only under the close supervision by certified veterinarians and complies with all governmental regulations. It is bound by the same regulations governing the treatment of Cattle, Pork and the Poultry. A zero tolerance of antibiotics residue is mandatory in farmed salmon and all production is controlled before harvesting is permitted.
"It is patently false to state that consumers will be purchasing farmed salmon with any type of medicinal residue," it states. Salmon of the Americas Inc. (SOTA) is a US based non-profit association of US, Chilean, and Canadian salmon farming companies. Its mission is to promote the many health benefits of eating salmon.
The Group says that some of the issues raised regarding the salmon anemia virus (ISA) and the erroneous reference made to the lack of sanitary controls as contributing factors, were incorrect. ISA has been been found in most countries that farm salmon and is controlled by strict government regulations. It also points out that Mr Barrionuevo's article lacks merit by referencing the use of hormones to make the fish grow faster.
"Hormones have never been used in the history of salmon farming in Chile. This malicious statement that hormones are used is false and serves to dissuade consumers from eating farmed Salmon, the safest of all fish according to the study requested by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) and published by the Institute of Medicine, says the Association.
The unfounded implication that farmed salmon must be to blame for the reduced catch and flabby texture of the locally caught Robalo is equally irresponsible.
Salmon of the Americans says it is important to note that the infrequent administration of approved antibiotics to the salmon is done only under the close supervision by certified veterinarians and complies with all governmental regulations. It is bound by the same regulations governing the treatment of Cattle, Pork and the Poultry. A zero tolerance of antibiotics residue is mandatory in farmed salmon and all production is controlled before harvesting is permitted.
"It is patently false to state that consumers will be purchasing farmed salmon with any type of medicinal residue," it states. Salmon of the Americas Inc. (SOTA) is a US based non-profit association of US, Chilean, and Canadian salmon farming companies. Its mission is to promote the many health benefits of eating salmon.