A native of Carmel, Mr Inskeep has been part of the NPR team since 1996 and joined "Morning Edition" in 2004.
"We are thrilled to have Steve Inskeep as our featured speaker at the 2013 Fish Fry," said Jay Akridge, Glenn W. Sample Dean of Purdue Agriculture. "He will bring a valuable perspective to our patrons, stemming from his Indiana roots and enhanced by his years of journalism on the national and international scale."
Mr Inskeep is known for his probing questions to presidents, warlords, authors and musicians, but his passion is the untold stories of the less famous. He has traveled the globe, asking insightful questions to people from various backgrounds. Inskeep is the author of the 2011 book "Instant City: Life and Death in Karachi," a story of ordinary - often heroic - people and their struggles to build one of the world's great megacities.
The event will be in the Marsh Blue Ribbon Pavilion starting at 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $25 per person and are sold only in advance.
All seating, at round tables of 10, is reserved. Seat location will be based on the date the order is received. Those wanting to sit together should order tickets together.
Parking permits for the lots in front of the Marsh Blue Ribbon Pavilion or at the nearby Swine Barn should be purchased when ordering tickets. Without a parking permit obtained in advance, there will be a $5 charge to park on the fairgrounds, and parking will be based on availability.
On-site child care will be available free of charge. Reservations for child care must be made in advance. See the order form for required information or call the Ag Alumni office at 765-494-8593 by 19 January to make reservations.
Round-trip bus transportation is available from West Lafayette. Cost is $8 per person. Reservations are required, and space is limited. Those wanting bus transportation should reserve a space when ordering tickets.
More information and an order form to purchase tickets are available online at https://ag.purdue.edu/agalumni/Pages/2013%20FishFry.aspx
The Ag Forecast, a program highlighting important topics in agriculture, will precede the Fish Fry in the Grand Hall at 9:30 a.m., also on the fairgrounds.
NPR 'Morning Edition' Host to Speak at Purdue Ag Fish Fry
US - National Public Radio "Morning Edition" host Steve Inskeep will be the keynote speaker for the 2013 Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association Fish Fry, scheduled for 2 February on the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis.
by Lucy Towers