According to FishfarmingXpert, local exports to the US totalised 57,808 tonnes in the first 11 months of 2009 representing a 36.35 per cent decrease compared to the same period of the previous year.
Meanwhile, Norwegian exports to US totalised 24,599 tonnes as of November 2009, representing a 320 per cent increase compared to 2008 results.
This scenario might be accented this year since a 50 per cent decrease in the Chilean production of Atlantic salmon is expected due to early harvests and lower sowings caused by the sanitary status.
However, the general manager of the Chilean Salmon Industry Association (SalmonChile) Carlos Odebret, dismisses the idea that the Norweigan industry could completely replace Chilean imports in the US. Mainly because of the value added included in the local products and its lower commercial price.
He said the Chilean industry wil continue to fish to recover the US market.
Norway Threatens Chile Export Market
CHILE - As of November 2009 Norway filled in for 56.7 per cent of the Chilean salmon exports to US, the second largest market for the local producers after Japan. This is a result of the decreased Chilean production which has also pushed prices up by six per cent.