This is a follow-up of the agreement signed earlier this year by the Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Helga Pedersen, and Brazil's Minister of Fisheries about collaboration within aquaculture and fisheries.
Nofima wants to participate in this collaboration.
"We are looking with great interest the development that will happen with the aquaculture and fisheries sector in Brazil, as well as the opportunities the agreement gives us to use our competence," says Øyvind Fylling-Jensen, acting CEO of Nofima. "This agreement also paves the way for the increased Norwegian export of knowledge and technology in line with the government's priorities."
Nofima is one of the world's leading research communities within the field of applied aquaculture and fisheries.
Embrapa and Nofima will in the near future establish a working group to look at specific project suggestions and further development of the collaboration.
Embrapa is Brazil's largest applied research institute within agriculture. It is now also starting major efforts within aquaculture and fisheries to strengthen Brazil's food security and to contribute to regional development. Brazil accounts for an extremely high proportion of the world's freshwater resources, and view increased efforts within aquaculture as an opportunity for economic development.
Nofima and Embapa: New Research Partners
GLOBAL - Norway's Nofima has signed a Letter of Intent within aquaculture and fisheries with Brazilian research institute, Embrapa.