Disease and poor health are among the top major constraints for sustainable aquaculture. MSD Animal Health is committed to developing responsible products to maximize fish survival, growth and production efficiency for salmon and other farmed fish species.
The key to sustainable aquaculture is maintenance of health control and the availability of safe and effective products for the prevention and control of diseases. MSD Animal Health has been at the forefront of developing those products with the industry.
“Salmon farming has grown enormously over the past decades to meet the demand for fish protein, and MSD Animal Health has been at the forefront of sustainable farming and disease prevention and control,” said Rick DeLuca, president, MSD Animal Health.
“We are pleased to participate in the largest seafood conference to share ideas, science and partner with experts and our customers.”
“MSD Animal Health has more than 30 years of history of developing vaccines for the salmon industry and our vaccines have been an important contributor to the Norwegian sustainable and renewable aquaculture industry,” said Johan Kvalheim, Managing Director, Norway, MSD Animal Health.
“This commitment extends to our R&D location in Bergen, MSD Animal Health Innovation, which is dedicated to the development of vaccines for cold water species of fish in Norway, and globally.”
For more information about the North Atlantic Seafood Forum, visit http://www.nor-seafood.com/.