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More jobs could be created in Scotland, says Pan Fish chief

UK - The boss of Norwegian salmon farming giant Pan Fish believes it would be possible to create far more jobs in the industry in Scotland.

Chief executive Atle Eide was speaking in an interview with Gaelic current affairs programme Eorpa, which will be shown on BBC2 tonight.

He said there was considerable opportunity to farm more salmon in Scotland if the Scottish Executive facilitated it better.

"Fifteen years back, Chile and Scotland were the same size (in salmon farming terms) - since then Chile has left Scotland behind, because the government in Chile, as in Norway, has given us access to sustainable, big and good localities where we can increase the salmon production in a cost-effective way. The Scottish government has not done that."

Mr Eide said Scottish fish farms must compete with other fish farms from Norway and Chile and also compete with other protein sources like chicken.

Source: FishUpdate

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