The area affected is ACS 10, which consists of 21 farms. Because of increased incidences of sea lice, Sernapesca, the Ministry of Fisheries, has placed it under a preventive health emergency.
Caligidosis is a high risk condition for salmon, and endemic for native species. New measures introduced to the area will give Sernapesca greater powers to arrange and co-ordinate treatments in the area.
According to Sernapesca's technical report,the salmonids belonging to the aforementioned group presented an increasing incidence of sea lice loads (adult or juvenile stages of the parasite), exceeding the levels allowed by the regulations.
Resolution 2268, based on specific health programmes of Caligidosis surveillance and control, allows Sernapesca to order the farms and collection centres located within the ACS 10, to apply a set of measures for the next six months.
The mandatory measures to be applied consist of implementing coordinated treatments in micro areas and early collections if necessary.
The resolution states that if farms are found to have average Caligus loads of six or above (adult or juvenile stage) during Sernapesca's monitoring programme, other measures will be implemented.
Monitoring & Control Of Caligus In Chile
CHILE - A series of measures to reduce Caligus parasites (sea lice) detected in salmon has been announced for Salmonids Concessions Group (ACS) 10, after high sea lice counts were detected.