Undersecretary of Fisheries of the Nation, Miguel Bustamante, and the Director of Aquaculture, Dr Laura Luchini, led the final day of technical effort.
At the conference, Miguel Bustamante, said that under the recent trip to Beijing in mid-May this year: "The offer from the Chinese Aquaculture Council projected an agreement with the country for the training of a representative group of 20 technicians in the areas NEA, NOA and Center for a month."
The training of an Argentine expert group in China will be in the southern and central provinces, which have climatic conditions similar to those of Argentina.
"All provinces are preparing for the project," said Dr Luchini.
The project went through the frames of Ecology, Biology, Aquaculture and Economics.
Ministry Introduces Project to Improve Aquaculture
ARGENTINA - The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries has presented the conclusions of the "Project for the growth of aquaculture in the regions of NEA, NOA and Center", in the presence of experts and delegates from the provinces involved.
by Lucy Towers