The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 establishes the MMO, a new executive Non- Departmental Public Body, as the UK Government’s strategic delivery body in the marine area and a centre of marine management expertise, to ensure effective planning and management of our seas. The MMO is due to become formally operational on 1 April 2010.
The board members are:
- Rodney Anderson
- Richard Birmingham
- Robert James
- Derek Langslow
- Jeremy Loyd
- Nigel Reader
- Jane Ryder
- Jayne Scott
The appointments, which are either for three or four years, will begin on 1 February 2010.
These appointments were made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. The appointments were made on merit and political activity played no part in the selection process.
On the same day Steven Gant, will take up his position as Chief Executive of the MMO after being formally appointed on 15 December 2009.