The Progress report covers the company's struggle with its sea lice management performance alongside its reduction of reliance on veterinary medicines. On a more positive note, the report also shows how the company has seen improvements in its safety statistics, sustainability measurement systems and development in fish health.
The Sustainability guide discusses many important topics such as "How will fish be farmed in the future?" and also, topics which highlight the company's sustainability progress such as, "How does Marine Harvest reduce environmental impacts?"
Marine Harvest Chief Executive, Alf-Helge Aarskog, commented: "At Marine Harvest, sustainability principles are embedded in every aspect of our business and are gradually becoming a strong part of our corporate culture."
Looking to the future, Marine Harvest stated its ambition is to "enable our industry to increase the supply of nutritious seafood to the world’s population while improving our technology."
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Sustainable Seafood- Our way
Update on Progress 2010
Marine Harvest Reveals Sustainability Progress
NORWAY - Marine Harvest has released its sustainabilty report for 2010-11. Under a new format, the two new reports highlight the company's commitment to being a leader in sustainability and how it has performed over the last year.