As a result, Landcatch will supply specially selected genetic material to meet the particular production requirements of Los Fiordos while also advising the company on the management of broodstock and future breeding developments. Los Fiordos, part of the Agrosuper Group, is already producing 50,000 tonnes of salmon a year and is on-target to reach 120,000 tonnes over the next 4 years. The company’s agreement with Landcatch mirrors the breeding models adopted by other parts of the Agrosuper Group where member businesses are already working with specialist breeding companies in their production of pigs, chickens and other species.
“We’re delighted that in seeking a specialist salmon breeding company, Los Fiordos have chosen us,” said Alan Stewart, Landcatch business development director. “The Agrosuper Group is used to trawling the world in search of specialist companies who are the best equipped to help them advance their business. It’s a great compliment, therefore, that Los Fiordos have chosen Landcatch to help drive and develop the breeding aspects of their rapidly expanding salmon activities.”
Sady Delgado, General Manager of Los Fiordos, agreed: “We have the highest regard for the quality of Landcatch stock and the company’s extensive breeding experience. It is obviously very important to us that we are able to control and develop our own breeding activities to a similar high level of excellence. We’re delighted therefore to be working with Landcatch to achieve this goal.”
Jose Manuel Bernales, General Manager at Landcatch Chile, will co-ordinate the delivery of advisory and management input in relation to existing breeding activities at Los Fiordos. Specially selected eggs will be supplied regularly from the Landcatch pedigree programmes in Scotland and Chile with Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd (LNS) supplying specialist input relating to future breeding decisions and activities. The annual production of 50m eggs into Los Fiordos will be used entirely to meet the company’s own production requirements.
In addition to this new contract with Los Fiordos, Landcatch is currently negotiating similar management agreements with two further businesses in Chile and one in Scotland. Announcements on each of these developments will be made as soon as contracts are signed.