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Japan to fund Fijian tilapia improvements

Breeding & genetics Tilapia / Cichlids +4 more

Japan has offered Fiji grant funding worth $370,422 in order to boost tilapia production in the island nation.

by Senior editor, The Fish Site
Rob Fletcher thumbnail

The deal for the funding, which will be invested in improving the Naduruloulou Research Station, was signed today by Fiji’s Minister for Fisheries Semi Koroilavesau and the Japanese Ambassador to Fiji, Masahiro Omura.

Japanese Ambassador to Fiji, Masahiro Omura. (left) and Fiji’s Minister for Fisheries, Semi Koroilavesau, seal the deal

The research station is one of the leading aquaculture facilities in the South Pacific, distributing one million tilapia eggs annually to the country’s 500 tilapia farmers. According to Fijian Government, the funds will be used mainly to improve the production of tilapia seed stock.

As the Fijian government reflected: “The Naduruloulou Research Station has been a leading centre for Fiji’s freshwater aquaculture and have successfully developed seed production for several species. The grant will ensure further development of aquaculture in Fiji, improve food security and livelihood of farmers.”

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